Mome reads Mommy, My daughter's way to spell it when she was younger... It stuck. My son calls me Mome... just like it looks. I now sign all my notes to them "Love, Mome". It's our inside secret and makes them smile. I always want them to smile.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big 'Ol Funk

Thank Goodness I have finally come out of this wicked funk I have been in for the last couple of weeks. Seriously, it's taken everything I have to get out of bed and do the bare minimum to get by. I'm not sure what happened. Boogie started school, kinda a bummer, but that wasn't it. I thought I would be able to get so much done with one kid gone and the other "independent" child went into needy mode, which kinda frustrated me, but I think because I was already in the funk and she was making it more difficult, shame on me, this time is really about her or I would've gone back to work by now.
So, whatever it was that made me lazy, unambitious, and tired all the time, It's over. I decided Wednesday night that enough was enough and I needed to shake it. I got up yesterday, worked out (oh yeah, hadn't much felt like doing that the last couple weeks, hence the lack of WiiFit updates)Colored my hair(had to hide those "lighter" colored ones) ate well, played with Puddin' Pop and had a great day. It feels good to be back!

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