Mome reads Mommy, My daughter's way to spell it when she was younger... It stuck. My son calls me Mome... just like it looks. I now sign all my notes to them "Love, Mome". It's our inside secret and makes them smile. I always want them to smile.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope everyone is enjoying this first day of 2009.

Hubster went back to work this morning so it's just me and the kiddies, we're making a plan now on how to spend the day.

The website is on hold due to hosting issues.  I apologize for the false promise, but will still use this here little blog to bring attention to those less fortunate, if for no other reason than making myself feel better about doing SOMETHING to help out.  I have a story coming later today, or tomorrow at the latest, so be on the lookout for that.

I've made some resolutions, that I'll keep to myself so as to not let anyone else down if I fall short.  I'm going to get more organized (crap, I wasn't supposed to say that) and find more time to tend to the house work (yay) so that I am a more rounded person and not just glued to my laptop all day, as fun as it's been, I need to be more.

I look forward to sharing 2009 with all 2 of you, and hope to find more friends and followers along the way.

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