Mome reads Mommy, My daughter's way to spell it when she was younger... It stuck. My son calls me Mome... just like it looks. I now sign all my notes to them "Love, Mome". It's our inside secret and makes them smile. I always want them to smile.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What a Wonderful Day

Yesterday we saw temperatures in the 70's. Tomorrow and Wednesday promise to be the same, although a little cloudy. So what if the kitchen sinks full of dishes from last nights dinner, we had a fabulous day. I awoke and got my needed chores done by noon. We all got dressed and headed out to play. We had the bikes, tricycles, plasma cars, Sponge Bob bouncy, and scooters all out to ride on. When the neighbors returned from church, all the kids enjoyed hours of running, biking, playing tag and hide-and-seek. The adults lounged with snacks and margs and caught up on what's been going on in our lives. The kids had picnic lunches on blankets in the yard and everyone had a wonderful impromptu play day. It was hard t see it end. Alas, it was Sunday, and school awaited the kiddies this morning. Time for weekend routines to turn back to week-day routines.

I don't know what it is about warm weather break-throughs in Winter months that just screams beer, margs, and patio lunches...but I like it!


  1. Enjoy the weather. Moved here to Central NY in 1973 from Arlington VA
    Of all the things I miss most it is the weather. Your winter is about over now, I have 2 more months.

  2. Hi ~ I live in Virginia too! Awesome weather yesterday - not bad today and should be Fab Tues. & Wed. too! I only work at home now on my website boutique, so have a chnace to get in my powere walks or a little golf more often that I used too! Love these Virginia winters most of the time - however, this year has been one of the coldest we've had in years??!!

  3. sounds beautiful. I could handle some 70 degree days right about now.


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